South Carolina

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South Carolina State Digital Accessibility Requirements

Access South Carolina Information Technology (ASCIT) recommends WCAG 2.0 level A and AA conformance but encourages WCAG 2.1 level A and AA conformance.

Public Accommodation Laws

The blind, the visually handicapped, and the otherwise physically disabled are entitled to full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of all places of public accommodation, amusement or resort, and other places to which the general public is invited, subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law and applicable alike to all persons.

Violation Penalties

A handicapped person aggrieved by the prohibited discrimination has the right to seek injunctive relief or civil damages, not to exceed five thousand dollars actual damages, plus his attorney’s fee and costs, in the court of common pleas.

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Need help with compliance?

Not sure if your PDFs are compliant with South Carolina digital accessibility standards for your industry? Equidox can help! Contact us to get started.