
Maryland state flag

Maryland State Digital Accessibility Requirements

All information technologies, including services that are procured, used, maintained, developed or provided by or on behalf of non-exempt units of the Executive Branch of Maryland State government will be nonvisually accessible. In developing the MD IT NVA regulations, the State has adopted or paraphrased many, but not all, of the federal regulations commonly referred to as Section 508*. In addition, Maryland has adopted several IT NVA regulations that are not found in federal regulations. They also provide a checklist for state agencies to use.

Public Accommodation Laws

An owner, operator, agent, or employee of a place of public accommodation may not refuse, withhold from, or deny any person any accommodations, advantages, facilities, or privileges of the place of public accommodation because of the person’s disability.

Violation Penalties

The court may award the prevailing party punitive damages, equitable relief, or civil penalties of up to $2500, depending on the number of past Civil Rights violations.

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Need help with compliance?

Not sure if your PDFs are compliant with Maryland digital accessibility standards for your industry? Equidox can help! Contact us to get started.