
Kentucky state flag

Kentucky State Digital Accessibility Requirements

Kentucky Accessible Information Technology (AIT) 61.982law requires all state and other state-assisted organizations to ensure individuals with disabilities are provided access to all information technology equipment and software “that is equivalent to the access provided to individuals who are not disabled.” Digital resources must be designed to present information in formats intended for both visual and non-visual use. Technology equipment and software must also have been purchased under a contract that includes a technology access clause. The level of access provided must be in compliance with Section 508.

Public Accommodation Laws

This administrative regulation provides that all places of public accommodation be designed and constructed so as to be readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities. In addition, examinations or courses related to licensing or certification for professional and trade purposes shall be accessible to persons with disabilities.

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Need help with compliance?

Not sure if your PDFs are compliant with Alabama digital accessibility standards for your industry? Equidox can help! Contact us to get started.