
Illinois Flag

Illinois State Digital Accessibility Requirements

The Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act (IITAA) requires Illinois agencies and universities to ensure that their web sites, information systems, and information technologies are accessible to people with disabilities. IITAA standards are based on Section 508 and WCAG 2.0. The most recent review on November 19, 2020 also encouraged compliance with WCAG 2.1 and newer guidelines when possible.

Public Accommodation Laws

All individuals within Illinois have ensured freedom from discrimination due to physical or mental disability in connection with the availability of public accommodations.

Violation Penalties

According to Illinois Civil Rights laws for damages, defendants found by the court to have violated civil rights laws must cease and desist from further discrimination, and plaintiffs are entitled to court costs and attorney fees.

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Need help with compliance?

Not sure if your PDFs are compliant with Illinois digital accessibility standards for your industry? Equidox can help! Contact us to get started.