Section 508 Refresh Proposes Increased Compliance Efforts

Compliance concept image indicating Digital Accessibility Compliance deadlines.

To enhance the digital experience of people with disabilities on federal government websites, a group of Senate Democrats recently introduced The Section 508 Refresh Act of 2024. In December of 2023, the General Services Administration (GSA) conducted a review of Section 508 compliance, and results were alarming. More than 75% of federal government agency respondents said their digital resources failed to meet Section 508 standards, despite having two decades to comply. 

The report also highlighted significant issues with complaint management. 44% of report respondents had no formal process for receiving and addressing accessibility  complaints, resulting in 40% of agencies being unaware of  how many digital accessibility complaints they received. Among the agencies that did track complaints, 80%  said they had received zero. This would seem rather surprising since only a quarter of Federal agency web pages were tested, and of those, just 60% were deemed compliant.

Enforcing Existing Standards

To address these concerns, Senators Bob Casey and Tammy Duckworth have introduced a bill refreshing Section 508.  This proposed update aims to strengthen the enforcement of the existing standards rather than changing them.  

The Refresh includes the following updates:

  • Consult people with disabilities for testing and evaluating

The bill mandates that federal departments and agencies involve individuals with disabilities in the acquisition and accessibility testing of federal technology to ensure their needs are met.

  • Reform evaluation and complaint processes

It will overhaul the complaint process for Section 508, establish new protocols for federal technology procurement, and introduce strict accountability measures to ensure accessibility.

  • Implement frequent testing of existing technology

The Section 508 Refresh Act will require regular testing to ensure technology being used by federal departments and agencies is accessible to federal workers and all Americans using federal programs and information. 

  • Appoint a dedicated compliance officer

Finally, the bill will require each federal department and agency to appoint a qualified, dedicated Section 508 compliance officer. The compliance officer will be responsible for ensuring that the agency is meeting Section 508 requirements, staying up to date on digital accessibility requirements, and reporting directly to the head of the agency.

This is in addition to any existing Section 508 program manager an agency may have, who oversees broader Section 508 tasks such as training and policy development .

Where the refresh applies

The Refresh, if enacted, will apply to all Information and Communication Technology (ICT). These digital resources include software, apps, websites, electronic documents, computers, kiosks, or and “other equipment, systems, technologies, or processes, for which the principal function is the creation, manipulation, storage, display, receipt, or transmission of electronic data and information, as well as any associated content.”

Expanding access to information

Says Senator Duckworth, “So many Americans rely on programs and services provided by the Federal government – and yet, too many Federal websites and apps remain nearly impossible to use by Americans with disabilities, preventing them from accessing vital information and resources.” The Senators hope that this bill will improve accessibility to federal websites and services, and provide effective mechanisms for feedback when users encounter barriers.


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Nina Overdorff

Nina comes to Equidox with years of sales and marketing experience from a variety of industries and holds a BS in Language Arts Education. Nina has a passion for words, storytelling, and information, which she believes everyone should have access to regardless of ability. After spending time as a teacher with a blind student, she became much more aware of the limitations and abilities of web accessibility, and how essential it is to those experiencing disabilities. “Being able to access information equally ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity for education, employment, and success in life.”

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